Ladies 1st XI
Sat 26 Oct 2019  ·  Midland Region Hockey Association Womens League - Division 2
Kettering Hockey Club
Ladies 1st XI
G Jones (3')
University of Nottingham Women's 2nd
Reynolds shows her versatility!

Reynolds shows her versatility!

Toni Hustwait27 Oct 2019 - 18:57
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Performance continues to improve but the losses keep coming.

Taking on the University of Nottingham this weekend, Kettering knew they weren't going to be in for an easy ride. However, the home side got off to a dream start as a fast ball upfield won them their first penalty corner, and whilst the initial strike was saved, Georgie Jones pounced on a lifted rebound to smash the ball in to the goal. A fantastic start for the side and likely taking both teams by surprise.
With the rain continuing to fall, the pitch itself only got faster and despite some excellent work by the home side to keep the students at bay, it wasn't long until they converted one of their shots. Albeit an almost apologetic goal, due to a UoN foot being missed by the umpire and play continuing to see a player run into the circle unchallenged and slot a tame shot past a defence that had momentarily switched off. A second goal followed shortly after for the away side again being a frustrating, bobbly goal that just wasn't closed done and dealt with quickly enough.
Player of the match, Sophie Reynolds had started the game in the forward line and after a breather found herself marshalling the defence. This versatility and energy is what earned her the vote this week!
Going in to the half time break, Kettering knew that there was still time to take something from the game and with a formation change, were organised and tenacious for the start of the half. The press working well, and UoN being limited to playing longer balls. However, as Kettering started to press to try to bring the game level it was a loose pass that was picked up by the opposition midfield, who quickly played the ball into the counter attack and scored a third for the away side. Another frustrating goal conceded as Kettering felt their performance deserved another goal, but it just was not meant to be as the students added a final goal to their tally just before the final whistle. A score line that again wasn't really reflective of the performance, but another loss all the same.
The wins are coming, we just need to be patient and not lose heart!

Match details

Match date

Sat 26 Oct 2019




Midland Region Hockey Association Womens League - Division 2

League position

University of Nottingham Women's 2nd
Kettering Ladies 1s
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Sweatshirt Sponsor - Hamiltons Coaches
Junior Academy Sponsor - TGI Hockey